Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pasta Pasta Pasta!

 Photo courtesy of PlusMagazine

For the majority of my life I have been the only girl in my family. I wasn't necessarily taught certain table manors. I'm not a pig I swear.

It's just that my dad didn't time and time again tell me to hold my fork a certain way or teach me that the fork goes on one side and the spoon and knife on the other. I've learned most of this since then.  Also working at a restaurant doesn't hurt my cause.

You might be thinking what does this have to do with running at all. Well a part of running is carb-loading the day or two before a race. Pasta=Carbs. Pasta Parties=An essential high school team and now college team must.Usually each and every pasta party contained spaghetti, which I didn't mind because it is my favorite pasta dish.

I was never taught how to eat spaghetti.

I'm not sure if there is a right way to eat spaghetti.

6 Ways to Eat Spaghetti:

1. Do you try to do the perfect twirl with the fork and the spoon as your base?
2. Or maybe you just try the twirl against your plate as a base?
3. There's the slurp, which never turns out well.
4. If you're feeling lucky you could always take advice from Lady and the Tramp.
5. A rather funny video explains 3 ways here.
6. My solution is always to cut it up and eat it like you would eat anything else. It never fully works, and usually ends in a mess.

I don't know the right way, I probably never will.

My one promise to myself is to never eat spaghetti on a first date.

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