Monday, November 2, 2009

I Forgot To Leave Time To Breath

Lately I've been running around like a mad woman. Between school, work, homework and running I hardly ever have time to breath. This week there was the stress of finishing Halloween costumes and also my 21st birthday plans.Today for example, I got out of work at 3:30pm and practice was supposed to start at 3:00, we were supposed to have a pool workout, so I wasn't able to make that. This means I need to figure out when I can make it to open swim tonight. It never ends.

Halloween is behind me, but school, work, homework, running and my birthday stuff still rolls on.

I've been moving from task to task and forgetting to breath or even eat. Gotta love college life. You'll have to excuse me for that quick rant but I really needed to get that out.

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