Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How Do You Run?

Contrary to popular belief more often than not people say to me, "How do you run...for 13 miles?" (the part after the ellipsis changes depending on the speaker).

Well everyone, here you go!

Stop procrastinating, you can always make a good excuse why today's a bad day to run.
Put on your clothes; please -- no jeans.
Find a pair of sneakers.
Lace up those sneakers.
Grab your ipod, if you have one.
Open your door, and walk out of your house.
Begin to run.
This is done by putting one foot in front of the other (hopefully this was known w/o explanation).
Increase your pace, be comfortable.
Enjoy it, this is key.
Go for your desired distance, or time.
Remember you're not going to be an Olympic runner your first time out there, or for most of us you're never going to be an Olympic runner.
Enjoy that runners high when you're done.
Stretch well.

There you have it, try it, you might like it.

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