Tuesday, September 22, 2009

And So It Begins

Here i am, back from my first "run to be published" and I wasn't sure if I was going to make it as I nearly died on Washington Ave. Let's begin my asking:

Why Albany decides to start tearing up one of the busiest roads when, I'd say, 50% of Albany's population returns to the city to start another year of college?

I took off through the college ghetto that i am blessed to live in (insert sarcasm here) and decided i was going to take Washington Ave for a little bit to increase the distance of my run. Big mistake. I should have turned around when i saw the dust cloud protruding a mile away. I wasn't thinking that that was going to soon to be inhaled into my lungs.

So the city figured out pretty nicely how to manage traffic, not to say that there wasn't a line of cars that lasted a mile, but i mean they did have a plan and they did have plenty of people with fluorescent vests on directing traffic.

Imagine their eyes when they saw a runner coming through the mix of this, they didn't know what to do. I took matters into my own hands and crossed 4 lanes of traffic to finally find myself on a nicely non tore up patch of sidewalk (yes still in a cloud of dust).

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